Tag: real estate tips

Buyers, Holidays, Sellers, ...

5 Plants You Can’t Kill

When the sun is out during the Summer we all suddenly develop these lofty ideas of beautiful flowery gardens and luscious green indoor plants. However, a lot of us lack the green thumb to make our green dreams a reality. Well, just because you don’t own a pair of gardening gloves or shears doesn’t mean youRead more

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Sellers, Tips

5 Myths About Selling Your Home

There is a lot of advice out there on how to best appeal to home buyers and get the best price for your real estate. While most of it could benefit you in some way, that advice is in no way the bible for selling your home. Believing completely in these myths instead of choosingRead more

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Buyers, Tips

3 Factors to THINK About Before Purchasing a Home

Everyone has their list of priorities when they enter into the real estate market. Everyone’s list is in a different order with different priorities. What’s on your list? In general, I have some good advice to consider for all home-buyers. If some of these did not make your list, think again…   Think “Location, Location,Read more

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Buyers, Tips

The 5 Things You Need to Do Before You Buy a Home

Many people have the dream of owning real estate. However, if you enter the journey unprepared then your results may not be what you had hoped for. To prepare yourself for the decision of buying a home, consider your answers to the following questions:   Are Your Finances in Order? Based on your income andRead more

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Buyers, Tips
How to Make the Most of an Open House

How to Make the Most of an Open House

Buying a home is difficult – you are choosing where you want to spend time with friends and family, as well as alone. You are deciding what space is right for you. Open Houses are one the best ways to get to know a home prior to purchase. So how do you get the most outRead more

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Sellers, Tips
Listing Your Home - Staging Photos

Listing Your Home: Staging Photos

As they say these days: Web appeal is the new curb appeal. It is more important than ever to present internet users with the best photos of your home possible. Most Home Buyers find listings online, as such the photos you use will either attract potential home buyers or run them off. This first impressionRead more

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Sellers, Tips

Home Updates: Budget-Friendly Curb Appeal Tips

With Spring finally upon us, the flowers and trees have all bloomed and buyers and sellers are out to find their ideal homes. I’ve written before about why Curb Appeal is important and how to achieve it. For those of you looking for less time consuming and cheaper options to make the most of theRead more

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Sellers, Tips

Quick Tips for Home Staging

I’ve written on the topic of home staging for home sellers in more detail, recently. However, if you have covered the de-cluttering and cleaning of your home prior to home staging, I have some quick tips as well for last minute best first impressions.   Reorganize the Bookshelf Many people keep the bookshelf around asRead more

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Buyers, Sellers, Tips

Kitchens Sell a Home: Kitchen Hardware

You’ve heard that kitchens sell a home. There’s a reason for that. The kitchen is the center of a home – it is the place where we are nourished and can share that nourishment with friends and family. If you are going to upgrade your home, the kitchen is a great place to start. HereRead more

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Buyers, Sellers, Tips

Kitchens Sell a Home: Colour Upgrades

You’ve heard that kitchens sell a home. There’s a reason for that. The kitchen is the center of a home – it is the place where we are nourished and can share that nourishment with friends and family. If you are going to upgrade your home, the kitchen is a great place to start. HereRead more

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