Kitchens Sell a Home: Lighting

You’ve heard that kitchens sell a home. There’s a reason for that.

The kitchen is the center of a home – it is the place where we are nourished and can share that nourishment with friends and family.

If you are going to upgrade your home, the kitchen is a great place to start.

Here are a few upgrade ideas that involve lighting:


Natural Lighting

We all love natural lighting – it adds an openness to the kitchen and can even change the mood.

Simply cleaning the windows in your kitchen can let more light in, however for a more drastic change in lighting, there are things you can do short of taking out more wall for bigger windows.

Changes you can make to windows include:

  • Removing heavy curtains
  • Trading out overpowering blinds for something lighter like wood
  • Adding panels or treatments for texture
  • Go bare and let the light shine in.


Light Fixtures

Simply changing out lighting fixtures for new ones can alter the mood and space in a room.

From installing lights with a wider breadth, or installing more of them (or less if you’re into a darker, more intimate space), you can control what sections of your kitchen to highlight. For instance, if you have a beautiful stove or eye-catching fridge, you can highlight that focal point with lighting!


If you are planning to buy or sell your home, give me a call at 604-218-9000 for a Complimentary Home Evaluation!