Is a Home Inspection Worth It?

Is a Home Inspection Worth It?

Whether a Home Inspection is worth it or not is completely up to you. What I can do is give you the details of what actually goes on and what you get for your money.

As a Home Buyer you are taking on a great investment, and you want to make sure it is a wise investment. Home Inspections can help you make that decision.

If it makes it easier, you can ask yourself if in the occasion that your basement floods, mold forms, or asbestos become an issue, how much will it cost to get rid of them? Is the cost of catching these things before you purchase equal or greater value to your peace of mind?


What Does A Home Inspection Entail?

In short, the skill and time a Home Inspector takes to ensure that nothing is amiss in your possible investment.

A professional Home Inspector reviews the operating systems as well as the interior and exterior structure of the home – new and old.


Issues Your Home Inspector Will Look For Include:


  • Brickwork/ Stucco/ Frame Exterior
  • Eavestroughs and Downspurts
  • Trim condition
  • Grading



  • Flooring Condition
  • Drywall/ Plaster Condition
  • Furnace/ Fireplace
  • Wiring
  • Plumbing



  • Shifting?
  • Leaks (Basement and Roof)
  • Roof Lifespan



  • Plumbing (Copper/ Old/ Galvanized)
  • Heating/ Cooling Systems Functionality



  • Evidence of: Mold, Asbestos, Termites


Your Home Inspector will look at all of these factors and determine whether the house is in good condition compared to others of similar age. If there are any issues, they will also outline costs of repair or replacement.

The time a Home Inspector takes is also a wonderful time to learn about the home. Ask questions, and definitely keep the report they give you.


How Does a Home Inspection Impact The Buying Process?

Generally, it is the Buyer who pays the cost of the Home Inspection. However, in certain cases, some Sellers may include a Home Inspection as an incentive tool.

If a Home Inspector discovers some underlying issues with the Home, this actually gives you negotiating power.

If the Report indicates possible big expenses, either your offer can be terminated (saving you a lot of future distress), or the deal can be re-negotiated to cover costs.


So Is a Home Inspection Worth it? It certainly can be. Make sure to work with your Real Estate Agent if you choose to have a Home Inspection so that they can protect you during the process and ensure the current home owners do not accept other offers.

Call me at 604-218-9000 to list with me today and receive a Complimentary Home Evaluation!